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5 Tips for Being the Best Boss You Can be in 2022

We’ve all had bosses we would say were good. And if we find ourselves working under a “good” boss, we don’t complain because most of us have had bosses we can undeniably say were terrible. So, we settle for good.

But what about a great boss? Now, that’s something to ponder. Both being a great boss and having a great boss. How many bosses rise above good or okay to be labeled as outstanding? And what makes a boss great? While that answer will vary, great bosses have many things in common, including—

1.   They have reasonable objectives

Objectives are like a road map directing the team toward a destination—the same destination. Without a clear, detailed plan, employees will meander in their own direction, at their own discretion, leaving frustration, confusion, and unproductive chaos in the wake. These objectives must also be reasonable and realistically achieved in the time allotted. No obvious goals? Pipe dream aspirations? Either will be a strike against a boss seeking to be great.

2.   Being supportive

A supportive boss possesses an attitude of caring and demonstrates it across various scenarios. For instance, a new employee learning the ropes will benefit from a boss who takes the time to mentor. A guy or gal challenged with new processes or procedures will appreciate the support of a boss who checks in with an attitude of confidence in the employee’s abilities. And when a sizeable fax pau occurs, or a significant accomplishment is achieved, the supportive boss is on the scene. Whether with words of guidance and encouragement or words of praise and appreciation, a supportive boss shows up every time.

3.   Less talking, more listening

Of course, bosses talk. They give direction, ask essential questions, and issue final decisions. But a great boss spends the rest of their time listening to ideas, opinions, and problems –in brainstorming sessions, staff meetings, and in one-on-ones with employees eager to share the potential next big something.

Great bosses do not shy away from feedback; instead, they seek it with an open mind. When employees are encouraged to share, they feel they have a voice and matter to the boss and the company.

4.   High expectations with matching high attentiveness

“The best managers know how to push you toward ambitious goals without getting into the realm of the unreasonable or the unrealistic,” says Alison Green of the blog Ask A Manager.

This fine line between ambitious and realistic requires that a boss understand their employee’s capabilities. And that the boss is willing to brainstorm about what’s needed to get the job done. No “assign then exit” acts for the boss seeking to be the best.

5.    Understanding the difference between attentiveness and micromanaging

There’s a big difference between being aware and involved and constantly peering over your employees’ shoulders. The former builds rapport and nurtures confidence, while the latter creates frustration and undermines confidence. You hired these folks for a reason. Now, let them do their job, even if that means a bit of stumbling. Be wary of expecting perfection. Instead, create an atmosphere that fosters growth and learning.

Ready to Partner with A.R. Mazzotta?

Partnering with A.R. Mazzotta and utilizing their expert staffing solutions gives bosses more time to engage with their employees. So give the A.R. Mazzotta team a call today to discover how they can assist with all of your staffing needs.


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