CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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The Top 3 Reasons You Should Take a Temporary Position

When you’re looking for work, you may be tempted to skip over temporary employment opportunities. After all, your need for a job isn’t temporary. What advantages do these kinds of roles have to offer? In many cases, temporary jobs can be a smart career option. Here’s what you need to know about the place temporary positions can hold in your career strategy.

You’ll Gain New Experience

Temporary jobs are often growth opportunities. At a minimum, you’ll have a new experience that can be incredibly valuable for your career’s long-term development. Short-term roles can help you prevent employment (and income) gaps. You’ll have the chance to build your skills, broaden your network, and add to your resume.

You Can Get Your Foot In The Door

If you have a dream employer, you know how hard it can be to connect with the right people. You could go years sending your resume over and over without ever getting a response. A temporary job can give you the inside track. You may not have a relationship with decision-makers in the company, but chances are, the recruiters at your staffing agency do. Their connections can get you into a temporary position. It’s up to you to make a great impression and maybe turn it into a fulltime role.

You Can Navigate Life Transitions

Are you new to an area, considering a new career, or experiencing personal instability? This is a great time for temporary employment. For example, if you have recently moved, you may not know where you want to set down roots. Temporary jobs give you a chance to assess commutes, neighborhoods, and get to know who the best employers are.

If you always wondered what it’s like to work in a particular industry, but aren’t ready to make a full career change, temporary positions are a great way to use your skills. If you are in a period of flux in your personal life, temporary assignments can fill the gap. Bring in extra income during the summer if you are a student. Bring in income immediately while you look for fulltime work. Continue employment even if you can’t commit long-term.

Temporary jobs can make a positive impact on your career, making them worth your while. Take a moment to consider the benefits when one comes along.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can keep your career moving forward, the professionals at A.R. Mazzotta can help. Contact us today and see how our career planning expertise can benefit you.


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