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6 Ways to Boost Employee Morale in January

January’s not an easy time to get excited about anything. It’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s tempting to stay in your warm, cozy bed instead of heading out to work each morning. As a manager, it’s tough to inspire your employees in the winter, but if they’re not at least reasonably excited about their jobs, you’ll have a larger problem on your hands. You need a staff who’s satisfied, motivated, and eager to take on the challenges of their jobs. If they’re not happy and driven, your productivity will lag, cooperation will wane, and your best employees will start looking for better jobs.

Here are six ways to boost employee morale in January.

Prioritize fun

January isn’t the best time to have a “noses to the grindstone” mentality as a manager. People are already down in the dumps, don’t make it worse! Instead, pepper a little fun into their lives. Host a happy hour or a catered lunch, schedule a team-building outing, or just let everyone go early on a Friday afternoon. The effort will show them that you care and help to break up the monotony of winter.

Step up to the plate

If you sense some frustration or general bad attitudes among your team, don’t dole out a tough assignment at that moment. You can save that for a time when there’s a more upbeat outlook on life. Instead, take on the tougher tasks yourself. It might inspire a better attitude or focus, and you’ll prove that you’re committed to the company’s goals, too.

Recognize efforts and successes

Everyone loves some praise and appreciation now and then, so award it when it’s deserved. Let them know you see how hard they’re working and how valuable their contributions are to the company’s health and success.

Ask for input

People need to feel like their opinions matter. Build trust and earn respect by letting them vent their frustrations and share innovative ideas. Have a suggestion box and meet with employees one-on-one to show them that you care. If you have the means, validate concerns and opinions with action.

Show that you care

Your employees are people. Of course, you know that, but do you show it enough? Ask questions about their personal lives, hobbies, and families. When life events come up—births, graduations, birthdays, and deaths—send a card or flowers or a gift. Make your employees feel connected to you, to others around them, and the company

Develop a sense of purpose

Motivation and engagement go up when people feel like they have a reason to give their best and go above and beyond to achieve success. Their efforts are important to the company, and the company is important to the larger community. Communicate the company’s vision, so your employees feel driven to contribute.

For more tips on boosting your employee morale this winter so that they stay engaged, productive, and loyal, contact our team today.



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