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Unexpected Ways You Can Improve Your Teams Productivity

We’re all busy nowadays—there’s so much to do in a limited number of hours, the workday just isn’t long enough. Your team is feeling the same way, stressed and busy and needing more hours in the day to accomplish their goals. But if you can help them maximize their productivity, they can be really successful, and you’ll be boss of the year. Here are some unexpected ways to improve your teams productivity. 

Set a good example  

It’s hard to really buckle down and get work done when your supervisor isn’t doing the same. As the boss, you set the tone for the workplace and play a big role in dictating the company culture. Use your time wisely, plan ahead, streamline and minimize meetings, and distinguish between what’s urgent and most important to work more strategically 

Set goals 

Help your team manage their workload by looking at the big picture and figuring out what they should be spending their time on. Outline goals for them and be clear about your priorities. They’ll accomplish more if you can help them determine what they need to be working on now and what they can put off until later. Otherwise, they’re putting too much energy into too many things at once and not really completing any of them. 

Be clear about expectations 

Once you set goals, be very clear about deadlines and individual responsibilities. Don’t micromanage, of course, but let your team know who should be doing what and by when. Nothing kills morale and breeds resentment more than when people feel overworked, pressed for time and underappreciated.  

Have an open door 

Encourage ongoing communications with your team about time management, how they’re handling challenges, whether they need more resources or direction, and for any other constructive feedback. When your team feels their opinions are respected and their viewpoints are validated, they’re more likely to work harder and stay loyal to their team. Plus, by acting on their feedback, you’ll be able to facilitate a more productive team. And keep close tabs on your team members. Know when they’re getting overwhelmed or on the point of breaking. If they are, get them help. This might mean lightening their workload or cutting them some slack on deadlines. 

Empower your team 

Grant your team the autonomy to make decisions. If they’re constantly checking in and waiting to hear back from you, they’re not using their time efficiently and you’re demonstrating that you don’t fully trust them to decide for themselves.  

Protect downtime 

Research shows that people are more productive when they take breaks. They return from their breaks energized, in a better mood and ready to power through some work. Regardless of your company culture, encourage your team to take a lunch break, some weekend rest and relaxation, or just some midafternoon chill time so they don’t burn out. 

For more tips on managing your team’s productivitycontact our team today. 

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