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How to Ace Your Second Job Interview

Illustration Concept of Job Interview with Business CV Resume, Flat Simple Icons - VectorYou made it through the first job interview – and did so with flying colors. How do you know? Because you just got a call-back for a second interview. The coveted call-back! Joy sets in, then some nerves start flowing. Could this be the one? Are you really going to land this new gig? You’ve come this far thanks to your resume and a strong first interview. So, let’s not screw it up now. Check out these tips for acing your second job interview – and landing the job.

Second Interview Tips:

Don’t Be Overconfident

It’s easy to get a little too sure of yourself when you’re called back for a second interview. Of course you can give yourself a high-five…but don’t get too confident. It’s almost certain there is competition in the interview ring, and you don’t know what kind of knock-out punch they’re capable of laying down. So play it cool, and don’t come across as too cocky or overconfident that the job is yours for the taking.

Be Prepared

There’s a good chance you’ll be covering a wide range of topics at the second interview. So be fully prepared from all angles –

  • Confirm who you’re you meeting with (names, titles, departments they represent).
  • Find out if you’re having a one-on-one interview or a group interview. Also find out if anyone will be joining the interview by phone or video conference from another location.
  • Have a clear understanding of the company and the job you’re interviewing for. Re-read the job description, scour the company website, and talk to others you may already know at the company.
  • Anticipate what interview questions they might ask you.
  • Have your own list of interview questions ready to go – ask more about the specific job position, ask about the company culture, and of course have your HR-related questions ready (benefits, paid time off, job training)
  • Try to dig up some recent company news – is there a new CEO? Have they moved locations recently? Received a big industry award?

Don’t Jump the Gun

  • Don’t make a quick decision during the interview that you might regret later. There’s always the chance they could offer you the job during the interview – but don’t jump the gun. Unless you really know this is the job for you, take a day or two to think through everything and make sure this is the right job opportunity for you.

Show Respect

  • End the interview on a respectful note. Share a smile, give a firm handshake, make good eye contact. Tell each person you meet with that you appreciate the time they took out of their busy day to meet with you. Your thoughtfulness can go a long way.

If you’re a job seeker who’s looking to land job interviews, get in touch with A.R. Mazzotta. For starters, visit the Job Seekers page of our website to learn about the benefits of working with us. Then browse our list of current job openings.


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