CT Staffing and Recruiting News

The latest advice and best practices in hiring and careers.

Get Some HR News You Can Use

Jun2Summertime is just around the corner…and vacationers will soon be making their way to beaches and mountains all across the country. Can’t you just taste it?

And even though vacations are meant for taking time away from work, a lot of people take advantage of the downtime to catch up on some work-related reading like blogs, magazines or industry newsletters. If you fall into that category, below are some great resources for HR and staffing professionals. Happy reading!

National resources

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) – SHRM offers several different publications. Sign up for one or all of their e-newsletters, books and magazines.

LinkedHR – This is the #1 human resources professional group on LinkedIn, with over 970,000 members.

TLNT.com – TLNT is considered one of the best blogs out there for talent management and HR matters. Lots of new posts are added daily.

Entrepreneur.com – Entrepreneur shares lots of informative HR news with a twist of entrepreneurial spirit.


Connecticut resources

Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) – CBIA’s HR and Safety News section features lots of valuable information with a focus on CT headlines.

HR Leadership Association (HRLA) of Eastern Connecticut – This is the place to read about upcoming events, chapter news and more.

A.R. Mazzotta – Our blog (which you’re reading right now) and our e-newsletter are filled with great tips for HR managers as well as job seekers. Don’t miss out, sign up today.

Have something to add to the list? Share it in the Comments section below.


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