Can staffing services really drive profits? In a word, “Yes!”
In today’s economy, businesses need to do everything possible to maximize the R-E=P equation. And if your company is like most, your employment-related expenses are among the biggest line items on your company’s P & L. The more actively you manage these expenses, the more profitable you can become.
Of course, driving profits is about more than just cutting costs. It’s also about maximizing workforce productivity and effectively matching your human resources to the changing challenges and opportunities your business faces. Used properly, staffing services can play a vital role in achieving all these ends. Here are just a few ways temporary employees can drive profits in your organization:
- Stay lean and flexible. Design a strategic staffing strategy that limits core employment to that necessary for minimum production volumes. Staff up with skilled temporary employees to meet peak demand periods or sudden surges in business.
- Focus on core activities. A staffing professional can help you critically examine work flow processes in your organization to identify administrative, repetitive or other support tasks that are being performed by highly compensated employees. Bring in temporary or part-time contingent staff to take over these tasks and free valuable team members to focus on their most vital priorities.
- Lower employment-related costs due to turnover. Take a look at your hiring and termination costs by job functions. Determine where high turnover positions exist and re-staff with temporaries to reduce hiring, training and termination costs.
- Reduce overtime expenses. Work with your staffing representative to analyze your overtime expenditures. Look for opportunities to use supplemental temporaries instead of overtime to reduce labor costs and prevent employee burnout.
- Shorten learning curves. As your company incorporates new technologies, bring in contract technical professionals to support your project teams. They can help get your employees up-to-speed and productive more quickly, saving time and money in the process. Once training is done, so are your training expenses.
- Capitalize on new opportunities. Have you ever had to table a great idea, simply because you didn’t have the resources to work on it? For those times, consider supplementing your team with temporary and contract employees. From support staff to senior executives, highly qualified temporary employees can be brought in to either manage the execution of new ideas or support your internal team while they work on the new opportunities.
A.R. Mazzotta Employment Specialists – Driving Profits for Connecticut Employers
Need to aggressively manage staffing expenses? Looking for new ways to increase productivity? Have a great business idea, but lack the human resources to turn it into a reality? Contact A.R. Mazzotta today. We have the knowledge, business expertise and highly skilled candidates you need to get work done and become more profitable.