CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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Staffing Employees: Extraordinary Human Resources

What’s the single most important variable in the success (or failure) of your business?

Your staff.

Steven Berchem, Certified Staffing Professional and Vice President of the American Staffing Association, posted a great article on the ASA website which addresses the ways today’s businesses are using staffing to gain real competitive advantage.

Here are a few of the article’s salient points:

  • As agility becomes more essential to success, smart companies are rejecting traditional hiring models and taking bold approaches to staffing.  They are moving away from lengthy hiring processes and no longer see the wisdom of filling every position with a permanent employee.
  • These changes in key business practices have led companies to use more temporary and contract employees in diverse and highly skilled professions, including accountants, attorneys, chief executives, doctors, graphic designers, IT professionals, and even pilots.
  • Today’s staffing employees are motivated, satisfied, and educated.  In a survey conducted by the ASA, nine out of 10 staffing employees said they would recommend temporary or contract work to a friend or relative.  And while it may come as a surprise, staffing employees are actually better educated than the overall workforce, with 74% having at least some college education (compared to 62% of the traditional workforce).
  • Staffing firms provide the only means of accessing some of America’s best talent.  In fact, the majority of staffing employees either use temporary or contract work as their sole means of finding a “permanent” job, or they simply prefer their current work arrangement over traditional employment.

Maximize the Value of Your Human Resources with A. R. Mazzotta

If you’d like to maximize the value of your staff as a source of competitive advantage for your company, contact A.R. Mazzotta today.  We can show you how to use staffing to become more agile, efficient, and profitable.  Together, we can develop a smart staffing plan that will enable your organization to compete – and win.


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