CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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“Help! Vacation season is upon us . . . ”

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

In the next few months, some of your employees will pack up the family and venture out on the first real vacation they’ve experienced in over two years. Their excitement is palpable, and who can blame them?

With travel being one of the multiple areas of life that suffered disruptions at the hand of the pandemic, many vacations were scrapped. And the benefits of leisurely time spent away from the daily routines of life evaporated, too.

While everyone agrees that vacations make for happier, more productive employees, business owners across the country are wringing their hands as vacation season 2022 approaches. Even as they, too, long for some R & R, the reality of extensive staffing shortages already has them pacing the floor and getting too little shut-eye. So the genuine question for many a company as the busy summer months approach is this: How will we keep the doors open/continue to meet production deadlines/service all of our clients through vacation season?

The first step for concerned business owners and management teams is to trade in the hand wringing and sleepless nights for these 4 proactive strategies.

1. Rally the troops

Because staffing shortages are no secret to anyone, it could be that concerns about vacation time cancellations already have employees on edge. So call a company meeting, send a company-wide memo, or in some practical way, seek to create an atmosphere of “all hands on deck.” Reiterate that every attempt will be made to honor vacation time arranged per the company’s policies – reviewing what those policies are. And then ask that whenever and however possible, each employee adopt an extra measure of teamwork.

2. Offer extra work to current employees

Extend an invitation for volunteers to pick up extra shifts, come in early or extend their shift,  trade days off, and take on additional projects or assignments. Get creative and welcome suggestions from management and employees alike on making business-as-usual a reality while also allowing folks to take their earned vacation time.

3. Cross-train the team

Two plus years of disruptions have likely delayed the best-laid plans to cross-train throughout the company. But consider that more skill-sharing may have happened than you realize. So, first, determine who does know how to do each job and then look for ways to squeeze in additional cross-training in the coming weeks.

4. Hire temporary employees

Utilizing trained and vetted temporary workers can ease the strain felt week after week of employees being on vacation. Experienced temps can step into positions to keep business operations humming along. These dedicated workers can bring a sense of calm efficiency to a workforce stretched thin by the ongoing staffing shortages rippling across our nation.

 This vacation season, A.R. Mazzotta can be a company’s best defense against staffing deficiencies. Our skilled temporary workers are accustomed to on-the-job learning situations. And our team of staffing experts specializes in making right-fit connections. Contact us now. What have you got to lose except for a few sleepless nights?






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