CT Staffing and Recruiting News

The latest advice and best practices in hiring and careers.

New Year Musings from Us to You

If you find yourself slipping into the post-holiday blues, who could blame you? In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, economic upheaval, employment uncertainty, and for far too many folks, the grief of lost loved ones, we find ourselves facing an uncertain future.

But wait – you can take steps to a joy-filled January. A positive, make-the-best-of-the-situation attitude will be your best ally this Winter. Of course,  a bit of resourcefulness must come into play. Life can continue to be tweaked to fit the safety protocols, and the marvels of technology will allow families and friends to virtually share the joy and wonder that the holidays sparked long into 2021.

As the staff at A. R. Mazzotta anticipate the future, we applaud how the fine folks of Connecticut have pulled together these past nine-plus months. We have witnessed firsthand how—

  • Medical professionals and healthcare facilities have waged a courageous battle against the coronavirus
  • The manufacturing industry has stepped up efforts to address fluctuations in the supply chain and provide for the needs of the country
  • Local businesses have answered the call to reach out to and assist their communities
  • Employers have taken steps to protect their employees and customers while maintaining services and initiating new services or products to meet consumer need
  • The people of Connecticut have supported each other – giving as needed, caring about each other’s safety, and finding new ways to connect.

We salute the businesses and employees who stayed the course and continue to strive for excellence in the year ahead. While it’s been a challenging year for all of us, we are grateful for the opportunity to be a key player in the realm of staffing across the state of Connecticut. It has been both a pleasure and a privilege to assist candidates and businesses with their employment needs.

As we all cling to the hope of healthier, less-challenging times in the year to come, we trust you will keep our team of experienced staffing specialists in mind, to assist with your future career goals and recruiting and staffing needs.

The team here at A.R. Mazzotta extend to you and yours our heartfelt wish for a prosperous 2021.  Contact us today – we specialize in matching top-rate employees with the best of Connecticut’s companies.



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