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Avoid These 5 Common Employer Interview Mistakes

hiring tips

Depending how often you interview job candidates, it’s easy to fall into a rut and pick up poor interview habits. So here’s a hiring tip for you – avoid these 5 common interview mistakes and you’ll do a much better job of connecting with your candidates and securing the best person for the job. 

Mistake #1 – Not Preparing
Just like the job candidate, the hiring manager should be fully prepared going into the interview. Not being ready can have ill effects for both the employer and candidate.

So check all these tasks off your to-do list before your meeting:

  • Review the candidate’s resume
  • Review the job description that you’re hiring for
  • Write down questions you might have based on the candidate’s cover letter, resume and/or application
  • Be ready for anticipated questions the interviewee might have

Being prepared by asking questions and getting good candidate input will help you make a smarter, more qualified hiring decision.

Mistake #2 – Getting Derailed
A lot of things can fall under the derailment category – like taking a phone call during the interview, replying to texts or emails (or just messing with your cell phone in general) or allowing someone to enter the room and interrupt the interview flow. It’s also easy to get derailed by getting off topic and chatting about things that are irrelevant to the interview. Try to stay focused and you’ll have a much more productive session. 

Mistake #3 – Talking Too Much
As the interviewer, you of course need to manage introductions between you, the candidate, and any participating colleagues. It’s also a good idea to set the stage by sharing a bit about the company and explaining how the interview will proceed. But remember that the candidate should be the one talking more – in fact, experts say a candidate should be leading 80% of the conversation. So ask questions but listen more. No one-way conversations.

Mistake #4 – Rushing Through the Interview
Rushing through an interview can easily happen – especially if first impressions of the candidate are less than stellar or you have back-to-back interviews lined up for the day. But don’t cut an interview short; you’re doing a disservice to both you and the candidate. Take ample time to ask relevant questions – and listen carefully to the candidate’s answers.

Mistake #5 – Asking Biased Questions
Asking biased questions during an interview is a big no-no. You can get yourself and your organization in legal trouble if a candidate feels they are being discriminated against during the interview. Here are some questions to steer clear of:

  • How old are you?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you have a disability?

Keep your questions focused around the candidate’s skills and how qualified they are for the job.

If candidate interviews – or employee recruiting in general – continue to be a challenge for your organization, a staffing agency like A.R. Mazzotta can help! We’re a locally owned and operated CT staffing agency with a team of staffing specialists strategically located throughout our 4 offices in Middletown, Wallingford, Watertown and Westbrook. Need hiring tips or have questions? Learn more here.


