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Connecticut + Manufacturing Day 2016

manufacturing dayFriday, October 7th marked the fifth annual Manufacturing Day, also known as MFG DAY. The event is held every year throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico on the first Friday of October.

The MFG DAY mission, according to their website, is to inspire the next generation of manufacturers – by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is and what it isn’t. By working together, manufacturers can address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the industry’s ongoing prosperity.

By working together, manufacturers can address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the industry’s ongoing prosperity.

MFG DAY 2016 featured four co-producers – the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, National Association of Manufacturers, Manufacturing Extension Partnership and Manufacturing Institute. Thanks to these organizers as well as hundreds of sponsors and endorsers, including the CT Business & Industry Association, over 2,600 events were held to increase awareness of the manufacturing industry and the opportunities it holds.

As part of the event, cities, states or countries can issue proclamations making MFG DAY an official celebration. In CT, Governor Dannel Malloy issued a statement officially proclaiming October 2016 as Manufacturing Month. A few highlights from the proclamation include:

  • The 200-year history of manufacturing in CT has enabled businesses large and small to establish strong roots in our state.
  • The diversity of manufactured goods and supply lines in CT boosts commerce and inspires innovation, technology-driven production and increased opportunity for more than 160,000 employees and their families.
  • The products and parts produced by CT companies contribute to a larger whole, serving people globally as they engage in the daily activities of living, working and growing.
  • CT’s manufacturing sector represents more than 90 percent of the state’s exports.

In addition to the proclamation, CT took part in 24 official MFG DAY events. Companies from the plastics manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, engineering and software sectors held plant tours, open houses and other educational events.

As with many states, CT can certainly relate to the skilled labor shortage that many manufacturers are facing. To remain competitive and thriving, companies need to have a trained technical workforce that can bring skills and insights to the table. More than 40 efforts statewide are part of the Connecticut. Dream It. Do It. (CTDIDI) initiative, which looks to create awareness of manufacturing careers in the state. Movements such as CTDIDI and MFG DAY are steps in the right direction for getting the manufacturing workers we need to succeed.

A.R. Mazzotta’s dedicated Industrial Group understands what’s needed to successfully acquire talent for today’s manufacturing and industrial markets. If you’re a CT manufacturer looking for qualified workers, or if you’re a skilled employee looking for manufacturing employment opportunities, connect with one of our recruiting specialists. We’re here to help make CT’s manufacturing workforce better than ever!


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