CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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Worker FAQs from the CT Dept of Labor

3-8So you’ve landed a new job here in the Constitution State…or maybe you’re in the midst of looking for CT employment. Good for you! You might have a few employment-related questions and that’s to be expected.

The CT Department of Labor website can be a good resource to get some answers before you speak with your employer or potential employer. Below are a few of their frequently asked questions and answers for CT workers. For the expanded list, visit the CT Dept of Labor website.

What is CT’s minimum wage?
As of January 1, 2016, Connecticut’s minimum wage is $9.60/hour.

When is an employer required to pay overtime?
Overtime pay is required after 40 hours of actual work in the same work week. It’s calculated at 1-1/2 times the employee’s regular pay rate.

Is an employee due overtime after working 8 hours a day or working on a Sunday or holiday?
No, unless an employment agreement states otherwise.

Are employers required to provide work breaks?
CT state law doesn’t require an employer to provide breaks. However, an employer must provide a meal period of at least 30 consecutive minutes if an employee has worked for at least 7-1/2 consecutive hours. There are some exceptions to this rule. Visit the CT Dept of Labor website for details.

Must an employer provide vacation or holiday pay?
No. Vacation and holiday pay are not required by CT law.

Can an employer cut an employee’s pay, reduce hours or benefits, or change job duties?
Yes. However, employees must be notified in advance of the pay period, and must be notified in writing.

If an employee is terminated, when must the employer pay his/her wages?
If an employee is discharged, the employer must pay him or her the next business day. If the employee quits or is laid off, the employer must pay him or her on the next scheduled pay day.

At A.R. Mazzotta, one of our many responsibilities to employees is to clearly understand the ins and outs of CT labor laws as well as the employment policies and procedures of the employers we work with. That’s just one benefit of partnering with A.R. Mazzotta for your job search needs. We’ve got your back! Contact us today by phone or email, or visit our own worker FAQ page.


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