CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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Career Success in HR: How to get ahead in your field

Waiting for a headhunter to call you? For that promotion to magically fall into your lap?

Honestly, you know better than that. As an HR professional, you’re well aware of what it takes to move your career ahead.

But where are you supposed to find the time? Job requirements, and the industry itself, are rapidly evolving. Businesses are growing again. As a result, staying on top of compliance updates, employment law changes, performance reviews and hiring requests leaves few (if any) hours for you to pursue your own professional goals.

You need to take charge of your career to move ahead – and your time it valuable. So use it wisely! Focus your professional development activities with these practical ideas from A.R. Mazzotta:

  1. Garner fresh LinkedIn recommendation. You have hiring responsibilities, so you realize that what others say about you is much more impactful that “tooting your own horn.” Get headhunters to notice you by filling your profile with 10 new recommendations. You don’t have to go after them all at once; just make a commitment to adding one per month for the rest of the year.
  2. Pay attention to what industry leaders say. Spend some time online finding thought leaders in your particular area of HR – successful individuals who are the type of professional you’d like to be. Follow them on Twitter. Read their blogs. Watch their webinars. Learn everything you can about how they became successful and apply those same strategies to your career.
  3. Share your knowledge. Junior colleges and universities are always looking for experts like you to guest lecture, teach part-time or serve as adjunct faculty members (obviously, your ability to contribute will be limited by your available hours). In addition to earning extra income, a college teaching job can help you polish your presentation skills, build your resume and widen your sphere of influence – great advantages for anyone looking to make a career move.
  4. Contribute to your company’s newsletter. If your organization is like most, its communications team is always looking for sources of positive, well-written content. Volunteer to write an article or case study once a quarter to showcase the measurable results you deliver for your organization. Your efforts will enhance your visibility within your company, enhancing your chances for promotion.
  5. Join CT HR professional associations. Expand your network, increase your knowledge base and build your resume by getting connected and involved in a local HR organization. Attending meetings and events does require a time investment, but HR groups can pay off big for your career.

Have a career-building tip you’d like to share? Leave your ideas below!

And if you’re looking for top talent or HR support in Connecticut, give A.R. Mazzotta a call. Our staffing and recruiting services can make you more successful in your job – and put you one step closer to that promotion you deserve.


