CT Staffing and Recruiting News

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Tired of Talent Gaps and Bottlenecks? It's time for a plan

Staffing services are vital when your company has a last-minute need. If an employee calls-off or you get hit with a sudden surge in business, your staffing provider can quickly step in, provide the help you need and keep your business running smoothly.

But if your organization is stuck in a reactive, “vacancy-filling” mode, you may continually find yourself scrambling for talent – and that’s not the best way to staff your business.

To make your organization more flexible, efficient and (ultimately) profitable in today’s economy, you need to plan your personnel needs well ahead. That’s where a workforce plan comes in. Properly designed and executed, a workforce plan can transform your staffing function from reactive to proactive – and keep your human capital needs aligned with your strategic goals.

How do you create one?

While every organization approaches workforce planning differently, the process typically includes these four steps:

  1. Supply Analysis. Gain a thorough understanding of your current workforce, including composition (demographics) and capabilities (competencies). Develop a profile of your current staff as it will exist in the future, in the absence of any management intervention.
  2. Demand Analysis. Forecast the competencies that will be required by your future workforce, for your organization to overcome challenges, seize opportunities and thrive. Envision how the nature of your work will change, considering both internal (business mission, strategies, goals) and external (legislation, economic conditions, technological advances, market competition) influences.
  3. Gap Analysis. Compare your supply and demand data to determine skill surpluses and deficiencies. Pinpoint individuals with limited long-term value to your organization, as well as talent gaps that will put your company at risk.
  4. Solutions Development. Create strategies and implement tactics for building an ideal workforce – one that has the people capabilities to meet your business goals and sustain competitive advantage.

No matter what your company’s goals are – growth, cost-effective operation, retaining top talent, capitalizing on new opportunities, more effectively deploying your human resources – a sound workforce plan can help you get there. By taking a proactive approach to staffing, you can prevent talent gaps, eliminate process bottlenecks and dramatically improve your ability to thrive under any circumstances.

Tips for Workforce Planning Success

Use these tips to make your workforce plan more successful:

  • Don’t create your workforce plan in a vacuum. Directly link your plan to your company’s strategic mission and involve members of all departments. Integrate the workforce plan with other HR programs, such as succession planning, career development, etc.
  • Designate a plan “champion.” Give an executive-level employee primary responsibility for not only spearheading the effort, but also generating the buy-in you’ll need to make your plan a success.
  • Hold managers accountable for adhering to, and achieving the desired results from, your plan.
  • Make it an annual process. Workforce planning isn’t a once-and-done event. It’s a continual process that involves regular review and updating as your organization’s needs and goals evolve.

Contact A.R. Mazzotta for a Free Workforce Planning Consultation

In today’s volatile economic and business environments, workforce planning is absolutely essential. Be proactive! Contact A.R. Mazzotta today to schedule a free workforce consultation. Our employment experts will:

  • analyze your talent needs;
  • examine your talent supply;
  • help HR align the two by providing the right staffing and support services;
  • help your business thrive in any economy.

