CT Staffing and Recruiting News

The latest advice and best practices in hiring and careers.

Do More With Less: Six Ways Staffing Services Can Save You Money

Looking for ways to do more with less?

Okay, let’s be realistic.  In today’s economic climate, what business isn’t looking to do more with less?

Staffing firms offer several effective solutions for reducing overhead, managing labor-related costs and improving productivity.  Used intelligently, staffing services can save you more money than they cost.  Here’s how:

  1. Lower fixed expenses.  Develop a plan to staff your business strategically.  Minimize your permanent employees to the level needed to sustain your core volume of work, and then proactively plan to bring in extra help only when it’s needed.
  2. Access expertise as needed.  Have a special project or new initiative to staff?  Bring in temporary experts with the specialized skills you need without impacting fixed expenses.  As an added benefit, these professionals are often less expensive than consultants.
  3. Control benefits expenses.  Benefits for temporary employees are provided by the staffing service for which they work.
  4. Reduce overtime.  Use temporary employees to reduce the amount of overtime your permanent staff works.  As an added benefit, temporaries can alleviate the burnout overtime causes, keeping your core staff more productive.
  5. Minimize training expenses.  Reduce training costs and shorten learning curves by bringing in temporary employees who are already trained and have experience using the skills you need.
  6. Lower recruiting costs. Use direct placement services to reduce the costs, and eliminate the time and hassles, involved with advertising, screening resumes, interviewing, testing and reference-checking applicants.

With over 40 years serving Connecticut employers, A.R. Mazzotta has the services and experience to deliver real cost savings for your business.  Contact us today to find out how we can help you do more with less.


